Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I named this blog Josephina Josemeana.  When I started blogging, I wrote about Josemeana, but lately I have not had much to say about her.  Who is Josemeana?

She is mom's alter ego.  That's what I call her when she is not her usual fun loving self.  Mom has many mood swings.  She is happy and then sad, or nice and then mean the next minute.  When she is mean, I say to myself, "That's just Josemeana."

I have not written about Josemeana because mom has been doing so well lately.  She still has her mood swings, but she is seldom mean.  She has just been nice, sweet, and loving Josephina.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It takes a village

It is good to have mom at home.  She has been here since February and she seems happy to be home again.  Even though she does not recognize us, she still remembers names and voices.  Taking care of mom is a lot easier now that I have help.  Mom has a home maker that accompanies her on week days.  She has a nurse that comes to see her once a week.  She also has her doctor who comes the visit her once a month.  She gets along fine with all of them.  It is nice to know that we all share a common interest.  We all want to make mom feel better.  She is really coming along well.  When I look at her walking around, dancing, and singing, it is hard to believe that she was bed ridden just 3 months ago.  I am grateful for all the help I have.  I have heard that it takes a village to raise a child, well the same is true for me.  It takes a village to keep mom strong and happy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Eating

Great news… Mom passed her video swallowing test.  She can eat now.  She has been eating and enjoying her favorite foods.  She loves oatmeal.  She now looks forward to every meal and she savors everything she eats now (mmmmmm).  She really did miss eating and she says she is hungry all the time.  She just loves to eat.  Happy eating Josephina.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Name of the Day

Every day mom calls out a name. I call it the name of the Day. The name of the day is usually Ana, Carmen or Teddy. These are her sisters. She calls her brothers too. “Lalito, Nesto, and Willy.” Sometimes calls her grandchildren. “Mario, Makeda, Lamda.” I guess the names just come to her.

While my brother was visiting, she called, "Nito?" because she heard his voice.  He answered, yes mom.  She was really surprised when he answered.  Throughout his visit she would call out his name.  He would answer and she would have the same reaction.  It was like a game.  It was fun to witness.  My brother just smiled at her.  When she calls his name now, I tell her that he went back home.  She says, "No, I just talked to him this morning."

About a month ago, mom called out my cousin’s name. This really caught me by surprise because I had not heard from him since we were young. She said his name clearly. “Luis Acosta”. I tested her, “Who is that?” She looked at me and said with confidence, “Luisito is my nephew”.

One week after mom called Luis's name, I received a call from him. I was so happy to hear from him.  We chatted for a while.  I told him about mom.  He told me his good news.  He is with his son, and that he is now saved.  I forgot to tell him that he was the name of the day. 

Special thanks to Luis.  He and his prayer group have been praying for mom.  God Bless You.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Mom just started singing,

“My country tis of Thee sweet land of liberty of thee I sing

Land where my fathers hmmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm

From every mountain side let freedom ring

Our Father God to thee hmmm hmmm hmmm

Of thee I sing hmmm hmmm hmmm

My country tis of thee hmmm hmmm”

I try to sing along. I have trouble remembering the words myself. She has forgotten the words but not the tune. She keeps on humming the tune.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mom is back home

Mom is home again. After spending three months in the nursing home, mom was sent to the hospital with severe tremors and chills. At the hospital the doctors thought she had pneumonia. They told my sister and me that she was aspirating. Mom came home by ambulanceand. I was afraid that she would not walk for some time. Through lots of prayers from family and friends mom started walking on her third day home. She is now at home with me with a g-tube. She is still in good spirits. She loves to walk and still does a little dance to any music she hears. Her total nourishment now comes in cans. She does not seem to care that she is no longer eating. I have tried feeding her soft foods but she just lets the food stay on her cheeks. She is now busy walking all day long. I have to beg her to sit down and rest. I am happy that she is home again.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nursing Home

Mom is now in a nursing home because of a sudden deterioration in her level of functioning.  I visit her everyday.  She does not seem to mind being there at all.  She has made friends with the nurses and the aids.  She greets them all with her smiley hi's.  They say that she even sings for them when I am not there.  The most fun thing at the nursing home is that mom has everyone doing her chickyty chickyty dance!