Monday, April 26, 2010

Hospital Visit

We went to visit my five year old grandson at the Children’s Hospital. He had an asthma attack and was in the intensive care unit over night. He was moved from the intensive care unit to a regular room. We visited with him all afternoon. When it was time to go home, we got to the elevator. I tried to get mom into the elevator and she refused to go.
“Let’s go mom”, I said while my son was holding the elevator door.
She asked, “Where”?
“Home”, I said.
To which she answered, “No, this is my home. I want to stay here. I don’t want to go.”
“Mom this is not your home. You came here to visit Justin in the hospital.” I replied.
“No! What‘s happening"? she asked looking mean and confused. "I don’t want to go”!
I knew that face. Josemeana was back.
I let the elevator go, and told my son to wait for us down stairs. I took a moment to collect myself. She was staring right through me with that mean face.
I tried to take her hand. She pulled away.
“It is time to go.” I said firmly. “Come with me.”
“But I don’t understand, what’s happening, I live here.” She whined.
I was confused myself. She was fine all day. Then it dawned on me. She must have had a flashback to when I visited her in the nursing home. I would always say goodbye to her at the elevator.
I tried again. “Mom, come with me”.
“But I want to go to bed I’m tired.” She whined
“Then come with me”, I said, “You can sleep at my house. I have a nice bed for you.”
“Ok”, she said still looking confused but not as mean. I took her hand.
“Ok”, I said while I thought to myself’, “Hurry up elevator before she changes her mind.”
We made it to the car and home without any other incident.
Josephina was happy to be home.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

He takes care of me

Mom walked up to me while I was sitting on couch with my computer on my lap.
She said, “And how are you?” I said, “I’m fine. Come and sit with me for a while.”
She said, “Of course”.
I asked, “How do you stay so lovely?".
She answered, “Jesus takes care of me. That’s how”.
I said, “Yes, He always watches over of us, and takes care of us. “
She shook her head yes, and dosed of into her five minute nap.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Sitting

While babysitting my two grandsons, I noticed that mom is getting used to being around them. She does not yell at them and tell them to stop when they are playing. She lets them hug her, and then chases them away when she has had enough of their hugs and kisses. The boys are getting used to being around great grandma too. They know when to approach her and when to let her be. Sometimes she takes their toys and coloring books away. They just look at me to handle it. I let her know that it is all right for them to use them and she gives them back their stuff. When she’s had enough of them, she wonders off to her room. A few minutes later, she would wonder back into the living and greet them like they just walked in. They start over again with the hugs and kisses, and then she’ll say, “OK, somebody come and take these children!”

Monday, April 5, 2010

Floor Patrol

Mom is always looking down on the floor and picking up anything she finds. Her favorite is shoes. She loves shoes. She would walk up anyone sitting on the couch and try to get the shoes off their feet. I simply apologize and joke that mom has a shoe fetish. When the kids leave toys on the floor, mom scoops them up. She puts the toys away, and I would find them in the most unusual places. If I relax on a chair with my shoes off, mom would come by and take my shoes. She would tuck them under the sofa coushons, or take them to another room. Sometimes I find stuff under her bed pillow. She has put shoes in the kitchen sink. Luckily I keep the toilet seats covered, because she likes to lay stuff on the seat. When anyone comes to visit I tell them that keep their stuff off the floor because mom is always on floor patrol.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Road Trip

My daughter put together a road trip. My son and his family, my daughter and her family, and my younger son, mom and I all got together for a road trip. All ten of us went to visit mom’s only son (my brother) in Houston. It was a long trip. Even though we were traveling with small children (my grandsons), I was more concerned about how mom would handle the trip. She was obviously uncomfortable during the trip. She fussed a little and did not sleep much during the trip, but all in all she did well. We arrived in Houston and checked in to a hotel.
Mom’s niece (my cousin) and her daughter had flown in Fort Lauderdale and met us at the hotel. Mom was so happy to see them. We showered and went to my brother’s home. Mom was so excited to see my brother. She just kept calling his name. My grandsons met my brother’s grandchildren and cousins for the first time. It was like they had known each other all along. My sister in law cooked and my brother barbequed. We reminisced on old times. We laughed, we ate, and mom danced to the music in the back ground. She had a ball. We all had a great time. I took mom back to the hotel early so she could rest. She fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. She slept all night!
The following day was filled with more family magic and fun. We looked at old family photos and laughed at each other. It was great. Mom slept soundly again that night too!
It was great to have the family together. We had a great time together in Houston. We said our farewells and headed back home. On the trip back home mom was restless. She wanted out of the car. We were all relieved when we finally got home. We had a lot of fun on this trip. Next time though, mom and will take a plane trip instead of road trip. :-)